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CookieCookie NamePurpose
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name moove_gdpr_popup Purpose This will remember that you are happy to allow cookies on our website and save your cookie preferences.
This cookie is set to expire after 1 year.
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _ga Purpose Used to distinguish users and expires in 2 years. More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _gid Purpose Used to distinguish users and expires in 24 hours. More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _gat Purpose Used to throttle request rate and expires in 1 minute. More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _utma Purpose This allows Google Analytics to determine unique visitors to our site. The cookie expires 2 years from initial creation or from update of cookie. More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _utmb Purpose This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session on our site. The cookie will expire 30 minutes from initial creation of from update of the cookie. More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _utmc Purpose This is used in conjunction with the -utmb cookie to determine whether or not to establish a new session for the user. This cookie will expire once you have closed your session with our website (once you have closed your browser). More info
Cookie Google Analytics Cookie Name _utmz Purpose This cookie is used by google to store where a visitor came from (search engine, search keyword, link). This cookie will expire 6 months from its initial creation or from update of cookie. More info
Cookie Litespeed Cache Cookie Name _lscache_vary Purpose This cookie is used to store whether you are logged into the site and what your user role is. It us used to help improve site performance for logged in users. This cookie will expire after 2 days. More info
Cookie Vimeo Player Cookie Name player / vuid Purpose We embed videos from our official Vimeo channel. When you press play (or played automatically) Vimeo will drop third party cookies to enable the video to play and to collect analytics data such as how long a viewer has watched the video. These cookies do not track individuals.